Jumat, 28 November 2008

Premature Extinction of Javan Rhinoceros

All Species will eventually extinct anyway, so what's the big deal about Javan Rhinos extinction?

It is a true statement, just like we humans eventually die. The questions are: "is it time for this species to be extinct?" or "do we humans speed up the extinction process?". Just like human's life, we do not know; however, as intellegent being on this planet we know that there are things that can be done to prevent the premature extinction of the Javan rhinoceros. Many researches show that the possible cause for the demise of the Javan rhinos species may include:

1. Habitat degradation (loss of habitat, reduction of food sources)
2. Competition with other animals in the same habitat
3. Potential disease spread
4. Natural disaster (tsunami and volcano eruption)

Experts have gathered and provided solutions to overcome the above threats. Solutions proposed include: habitat restoration and management, wildlife health monitoring system, and establishing second population outside existing (main) population in Ujung Kulon National Park.

With funds raised from RhinoCare program, we have a good chance of preventing premature extinction of Javan rhinoceros. Find out more on how you can help in "How You Can Help" posting

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